Application Config
The Application Config file has numerous customisations that apply to the running Vasat instance
API Data flow
vasat.crud.max_json_size: 10000000 # Max size of JSONs in posts
vasat.crud.max_file_size: 30000000 # Max size of any file
# Default behaviour for auth.isOk endpoint when there is no valid token
vasat.crud.allowsTokenlessPublic: false
# Show context seneitve API access for each object
vasat.crud.showACL: true
# Show Path list for each object
vasat.crud.showPaths: false
Basic web functions
#Path to the resource used for client side html errors
vasat.error_html: "error_pages/client_error.html"
Auth module
vasat.password.regex: ".{5,}"
vasat.password.error_msg: "Password must be greater than 5 characters"
# For forget password and 2FA tokens
vasat.temp_token_ttl: 600000L
# Remote authenticators query path to get a token (when vasat service isnt mounted under site's root path)
vasat.remote_auth.path: "/access/getToken"
Local File provider
vasat.local_files = "/var/vasat"
Task Scheduler module
# bypass for the 'sever' configured enable operation (use with caution when runing multiple nodes)
vasat.scheduler.enabled: false
vasat.scheduler.pollFrequency: 15 #seconds