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What is Vasat

Vasat is a versatile CMS and application framework. Using Vasat for a project saves time and effort spent on boilerplate development and allows effort to be focused on a projects specific functionality.

What does it run on?

Vasat is implemented in the Scala programming language and runs on the JVM. As with any Scala and Java based software it has access to the huge collection of opensource and proprietary libraries developed on the Java and Scala platforms.

When running as a web application Vasat leverages of the popular Play Framework which can allow for easy writing of custom code and endpoints.

Why Vasat?

Vasat is designed to be micro-service architecture. The ability to spread the function of a system across multiple nodes comes with an increased cost and complexity. Using Vasat those costs are minimised with an architecture designed for distributed computing. While Vasat can be suited to a traditional monolith system, it contains all the tools to allow a distributed network of servers to work together each with their own custom purpose and function. Scalability and reliability are key to the system design.

The overall aim is to provide a suite of tools and services to allow a developer to get on with the specific and unique function of their application without worrying about the complexities of a CMS, security, access control and system scalability.